When Two Beavers Meet…

For Saturday Snapshot July 20, I present the following sequence of events:

One beaver busy rebuilding after the flood:

Beaver 1

Spotted by another beaver which then quickly made his move:

Beaver 2The following sequence needs no captions:

Meet up


Closer stillโ€ฆ Aaww**

And what happens when two juvenile Robins meet?

Two juvenile RobinsSibling rivalrySibling rivalry.


Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Melinda of West Metro Mommy Reads. CLICK HERE to see what others have posted.


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If sheโ€™s not birding by the Pond, Artiโ€™s likely watching a movie, reading, or writing a review. Creator of Ripple Effects, bylines in Asian American Press, Vague Visages, Curator Magazine.

36 thoughts on “When Two Beavers Meet…”

  1. I’ve always been intrigued with beavers, but I’ve never actually seen one. I don’t think beavers are big fans of hot weather. Maybe that’s it.

    Love these photos of the beavers. And the birds.


  2. Along the streams and rivers here the beavers have created a big mess… but they can be cute.

    I love watching the juvenile robins. The last few days before they leave the nest when there are still four of those big babies in there pecking and jostling for space is a riot. Apparently they are still pecking each other even when they get out on a branch!


    1. Louise,

      I’d always just seen one so this was a wonderful sighting. I was high up on the bridge overlooking them, too bad the focus wasn’t that clear.


  3. What wonderful photos – especially of the beavers. I suddenly was unsure whether we had them here in Texas. I thought so, but of course they don’t live down here on the coast. In fact, there are beavers in north and east Texas, where there are many more lakes, rivers and streams with plenty of wood for – well, woodworkers!

    I found this article written by our wildlife folks. It was fascinating. You might enjoy it, too.

    Of course the robins are darling. I have some baby sparrows coming around with their parents now. The babies eat perfectly well on their own, but when the parents are close by, it’s all cheep and chirp and flutter the wings and beg – “Feed me! Feed me!” It’s funny to watch mom and dad just fly off, as if to say, “You’re going to have to learn to be on your own!”

    One of my readers, who’s presently traveling through B.C., is going to be posting about beavers shortly. I’ll be sure and get the link to you.


    1. Linda,

      Actually I don’t know much about the beaver. It’s pure coincident that I caught sight of them. They were just adorable, embracing each other, quite a contrast with the juvenile Robins. Thanks for the link. I’ll be sure to check that out. I’ve also left a link in my reply to Leslie above, a project close to our City called “Leave it to Beavers”. You might like to take a look. I look forward to your reader reporting from B.C. ๐Ÿ˜‰


    1. Claire,

      I’m glad you found these photos ‘life affirming’. ‘Let nature be your teacher’ Wordsworth said… the beavers are great exemplars. ๐Ÿ˜‰


    1. Letizia,

      Welcome! Glad you’ve found me. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’ll be sure to hop over to your blog to read your posts. Upon first skimming, looks like you have an interesting place full of books. Hope this is the beginning of some mutual visits.


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