Excellent Blog Award

“I am not a great reader, and I have pleasure in many things.”

— Lizzy Bennet, Pride and Prejudice.

excellentblog1I’m honored to be named one of the recipients of the Excellent Blog Award given out by Vic, a.k.a. Ms. Place, of Jane Austen’s World.  Considering her criteria and a look at my fellow honorees, I feel greatly encouraged indeed.  Thank you Vic, it means a lot for a “non-Austen” blog to get a nod from Jane Austen’s World.  Actually it is blogs like yours that spur my interest in Austen and the Regency world.

Ripple Effects is not exclusively an “Austen blog”, although Jane Austen is one of my all time favorite writers, and you can certainly find many Austen posts here. But as Lizzy Bennet in Pride and Prejudice said: “I’m not a great reader and I have pleasure in many things”.  I enjoy writing about topics relating to my various interests in the arts and entertainment field.  I try to maintain a magazine-style format to encompass the diverse subjects.  Ms. Place has kindly observed: “I’ll never know what I’ll find when I visit.”

I love books, but I’m a slow reader.  So my mind is always trying to catch up with what my heart desires.  I love movies, but I seldom go to opening showings to avoid the crowd.  So what you read in Ripple Effects are often hindsights and resonances from delayed gratification.

At times, it’s a rough road, this blogging journey.  Sometimes I just drive not knowing where I’m heading. But receiving acknowledgement like this is the fuel needed for me to press on, and help me to relax enough to enjoy the scenery along the way.

At first I was planning to write a post like this on my first blogaversary August 29. But at 11 month now I feel I just can’t wait to express a heart-felt thank-you to all my fellow bloggers and the many anonymous visitors from around the world.  You’ve unknowingly added fuel to these clattering wheels.


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If she’s not birding by the Pond, Arti’s likely watching a movie, reading, or writing a review. Creator of Ripple Effects, bylines in Asian American Press, Vague Visages, Curator Magazine.

4 thoughts on “Excellent Blog Award”

  1. I’m very happy to see that you are confident in what you’re doing and that someone recognized you in some way. It sets examples for us who just started. Keep up the good work.

    Gigi: Thanks for stopping by and your kind words. All the best to your blog and enjoy your ride!



  2. Hi Arti,
    Thank you for your kind encouragement on my blog today. I appreciate it. My daughter and a friend just went to see Mama Mia and they really enjoyed it. They went right out and bought the sound-track. They’re 23 ish. I would have liked to have gone to see the production instead of the movie but I’ll probably wait for the movie to come out on dvd…
    I love that quote by Lizzy at the top. I too take pleasure in many things.


  3. Arti, congratulations to you. The honor is well deserved. “Hindsights and resonances” don’t mean you’re behind, or slow, or unable to keep to a schedule. They only indicate a willingness to allow insight and understanding to mature, as they should.

    I like to think that my own time schedule is the schedule of kairos, rather than chronos. At the right time – kairos – the post gets posted. I feel as though it’s the same with you, and we all benefit!


    Hi Linda: Thank you for your kind words. The distinction between chronos and kairos is quite a compliment to my blog which I may not deserve. However, now that you’ve mentioned it, I could adopt it as my creed!



  4. Dear Arti,

    What an honour! Of course you deserve it! You are dedicated to your blog and work hard to maintain it. Keep it up!



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