Oscar Winners 2011

The beginning clip was an interesting opening, with Anne Hathaway and James Franco appearing in all the nominated Best Pictures. After that, what was promoted as an Oscars with the youngest co-hosts to bring about a youthful makeover had shown to be one of the most uneventful, ok, boring, in years. The preview videos of James Franco and Anne Hathaway rehearsing were much livelier than their actual act. Franco looked like he had a term paper due the next day… or was the deadpan, sleepy look a part of the performance. If it was, then he had chosen the wrong mask. I must give credits to Hathaway for trying to compensate with so much enthusiasm. When Kirk Douglas, Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law came up to present, and later, previous Oscar host Billy Crystal made his appearance, I could see some wisdom in ‘age before beauty’. Hopefully a lesson learned: Avoid the trap of ageism.

(Photo Source: Toronto Sun)

So here are the major results. For a full list CLICK HERE to the Oscars Official Site.

The King’s Speech: Best Picture, Best Director Tom Hooper, Best Actor Colin Firth, Best Original Screenplay David Seidler.

The Social Network: Best Adapted Screenplay Aaron Sorkin, Best editing, Best Original Score.

Black Swan: Best Actress Natalie Portman

The Fighter: Best Supporting Actor Christian Bale, Best Supporting Actress Melissa Leo

Inception: Best Cinematography, Best Sound Editing, Best Sound Mixing, Best Visual Effects

Toy Story 3: Best Animated Feature

Inside Job: Best Documentary Feature

(Photo Credit: Reuters/Gary Hershom)

All the best speeches came from The King’s Speech gang.

David Seidler At 73, Seidler’s win is an inspiration:

“I say this on behalf of all the stutterers in the world. We have a voice. We have been heard… My father always said to me I’d be a late bloomer. I believe I’m the oldest person to win this award. I hope that record is broken quickly and often.”
Definitely a boost to all would-be late bloomers in the world… just gives us hope.

CLICK HERE to view David Seidler’s Oscar Acceptance Speech.

Tom Hooper

“My mum was invited to a fringe theater play reading of an unproduced, unrehearsed play called The King’s Speech in 2007. She almost didn’t go. But thank God she did, because she came home, rang me up and said, ‘Tom, I think I found your next movie.’ So with this tonight, I honour you. And the moral of the story is: listen to your mother.”


Colin Firth

“I have a feeling my career’s just peaked.”

That’s the beginning of a speech expressing gratitude to many, all from memory, no cheat sheet. Those mentioned included:

“… Harvey (Weinstein, producer) who first took me on 20 years ago when I was a mere child sensation … and Livia, for putting up with my fleeting delusions as royalty…”

You must see it if you’ve missed it. For those of us who were glued to the TV screen the last 10 minutes of the Awards Show last night,  CLICK HERE to watch Colin Firth’s Oscar Acceptance Speech again.


Related Posts on Ripple Effects:

Forget About Tiger Mothering, Try Inspirational Parenting

The King’s Speech (2010): Movie Review

The King’s Speech: Fact And Fiction


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If she’s not birding by the Pond, Arti’s likely watching a movie, reading, or writing a review. Creator of Ripple Effects, bylines in Asian American Press, Vague Visages, Curator Magazine.

13 thoughts on “Oscar Winners 2011”

  1. Thanks for the re-cap. There were a few things I missed and you covered them well for me :o)

    Hope you like the results, Ellen.



  2. Franco did look er… sleepy. Someone on Twitter last night: “James Franco seems really distracted but that’s because he’s also finishing a novel and baking a soufle just offscreen.”


    If that’s the case, looks like one has to be a much better multi-tasker to be an Oscar host. 😉



  3. The show was horrible! I posted on FB that the Old Navy mannequins had more personality.

    I think if Franco had a bit more pep, then Hathaway would not have come across as overly bubbly and ditzy. I can’t say I blame her though, she was holding up the entire hosting duty on her own.


    JF couldn’t be more aloof and yes, kudos to AH for trying to do it all by herself.

    I retweeted Roger Ebert’s succinct line today: “If James Franco were announcing the arrival of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, he would add, “Whatever.”

    (Wish I could write lines like that.)



  4. I did get to see David Seidler’s acceptance speech live, and enjoyed it.

    I wonder if their ratings fell slightly (is 7% slightly?) because so many folks took the attitude I did – that I could watch the acceptance speeches later on video?

    In any event, it was wonderful to see The King’s Speech do so well. A happy evening, for sure!


    I’m glad you did get to hear DS’s speech. His win is an inspiration i think, not only for stutterers but also for would-be late bloomers. Gives me hope. 😉

    As for the ratings, according to the NYT, the numbers are down from 41.4 million to 37.6 million, 9.8%, and the age group they want to capture: 18-49 are down 12% from 2010. What you’ve suggested may well be true, that is, we could all watch them later on YouTube or somewhere else. Another source states a 4.5% drop in the targeted age group.

    BTW, the ratings are up in Canada by 4%. And according to a CTV poll (more than a thousand responses), 37% of the people picked The King’s Speech as their favorite among the 10 nominees. That could well be due to the PG rating in Canada, more people can actually go see the movie, instead of an R rating in the US.



  5. did i ever love firth more than when he referred to his “fleeting delusions of royalty?” oh, geez. It was just so fine, all that he and those on the film, actually, had to say last evening. I loved it. It could have gone much longer; I would have stayed.

    Now about young Franco. You’re right. He was absent, in a way. Yet at moments, he was the perfect foil for Hathaway’s exuberance. He pulled off some lines that others might have found impossible (can I think of ONE of them at the moment? No.) But overall, and true confession, there is something about that man’s smile. And then, all is lost, or, all is won, depending on how you look at it. Yes, he was deadpan, many tweeted that his “mood” was herbally induced, etc etc, but I guess what I liked above all was the concept itself of having a celebrity couple as presenters. With some surprises. The tuxedo and ballgown “bit” was goofy, but they both made me laugh, esp JF. Method actor though he is, he didn’t quite pull that off, though, did he.

    So who else would I like to see perform in this difficult spot as duo Presenters?
    Dan Akroyd and Steve Martin. Colin Firth and Helen Mirren (too much Britishish-ness?) Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant. Julia Roberts and Javier Bardem. (enjoyed them in E, P, L). Or Julia Roberts and David Letterman. How about Justin Timberlake and Reese Witherspoon?



    That’s a hot seat really, to be an Oscar host, or co-host. So I must applaud their courage for taking up the task. Kudos esp. to AH for covering for JF the whole night. I’ve read a suggestion that the Academy in the future should consider performers instead of actors to host. Now, that’s a thought… I asked myself, is there a difference? But on second thought, sure there is. So now, who then is a good performer(s) for the spot?



  6. Thanks for the update, Arti! And your info on the ratings. I do blame the evening on the writers though. Yes, JF looked sleepy last night but when he was a presenter at the Oscars a couple of years ago, he was pretty funny (with Seth Rogen, I believe?). You Oscar writers, step up! 🙂


    I just can’t imagine how the writers could be responsible for his unfocused and out-of-sync manner. It’s not the content that’s the problem, it’s the delivery. Anyway, don’t think we’ll see him again. But AH could come back with … I’ve read suggestions like AH and Steve Martin, or AH and Billy Crystal. They don’t have to be both young.

    Any other suggestions?


  7. How interesting! I actually loved Franco. Loved. Only because Hathaway annoyed me so much! 🙂 I know she must have been nervous, her first time and all. But I found her personality very grating, which must be why he pleased me so much. Now if he had been that way and the other presenter hadn’t been so effusive, I would agree with you. I agree that when Billy Crystal came out (I mean, standing O!) there was such relief, such trust. Do you think that’s why they gave him the standing O? They were relieved too? What class. I was struck that he seemed like Bob Hope, whom he honored. Anyway, I can’t explain why I liked him so much, other than that I was unhappy with her.

    I did very much like Jude Law and Robert Downey Jr together. And the Seidler speech, yes! Was it you who told showed us the video of him explaining that he had to wait until the Queen Mum passed on to make the film?

    I like Oh’s suggestions for host partners!

    And of course Colin Firth. What more can be said that hasn’t been said. He seems real and humble and rises in my esteem with every appearance and performance.


    1. Ruth,

      JF definitely is a very talented guy, artist, writer, filmmaker, actor, academic … nevertheless, I feel that, and was confirmed by the Awards show, it takes a certain kind of personality to be an Oscar host. But the man has a lot to offer, no doubt. I’ve read some of his short stories recently. You’ll see another aspect of him through his creative writing.

      And for Colin Firth… I can’t think of anyone more deserving to be ‘crowned King’ than he. Yes, seems like we’ve known him since P & P, but it’s only in the last couple of years that Hollywood began to notice. After a career of over 25 years, a most understated and talented good man is finally being honoured with the highest accolade possible in the industry… as I commented on your blog, I feel like I don’t need to watch another Oscar Award show ever again… unless of course, if Colin is nominated again. 😉

      And David Seidler, another man of integrity, keeping his word to the late Queen Mother not to write a script about her late husband KGVI until after her passing, waiting over 20 years. A cured stutterer himself, motivated by listening to the King’s war time speeches, his Oscar win at 73 is pure inspiration. Yes, I have written about him on my previous two King’s Speech posts. Here’s the must-see BBC news clip of the interview with David Seidler.

      And Tom Hooper too, giving credits to his mother for the heads up to Seidler’s play (before it was re-written for the screen)… these three of TKS gang who impress me with their humility and unpretentious manner are so deserving of the awards.


  8. I watched the Oscar – I rarely watch television and this maybe the longest show I’ll watch this year. I watched it because I liked Colin Firth so much in the King’ Speech and was hoping the film would gather many Oscars.
    As for Ann Hathaway – I have not seen her acting so I cannot judge her on this. I can say, and this is difficult – I hope I won’t be taken wrongly – I thought she was very American. By that I mean lovely looking, good teeth, hair, great gowns, wide smile, and bubbly personality – what foreigners think young American women look like. This is not condescending, just an observation. She may be very bright but, observing many of my daughters’ friends in our County when they were that age, she fits in. She tried hard – too hard maybe – but then she was natural – this is the movie industry, not a university hall of philosophy and the aim is to please the majority. In addition, her lines must have been written for her by what writers thought would entertain the masses.


    It’s interesting to know you’re another one who watches the Oscars this year because of Colin Firth and The King’s Speech. As Ruth said, “what more can be said that hasn’t been said” about the man. Let’s just hope that his career has not peaked, as he quipped in his acceptance speech.



  9. Well, first of all, I was so excited that King’s Speech got all it deserved (though truth be told, Geoffrey Rush deserved it, too — and I say that without seeing Christian Bale’s performance, so it’s pure partisanship!) I thought all their speeches were worthy of the award — I could feel my mouth sort of puckering up and tears almost starting — they were so good, so “real,” and so articulate!

    Franco/Hathaway (sounds like a financial firm) — Well, I’m with you; a little age is better. She looked gorgeous and it least it felt like she tried, but over all — well, it sort of made me wonder why they even need a host. And really, that’s sort of sad for one of the biggest events of the year!

    Oh, and thanks for popping by the Gypsy! There’s no email address that comes with your comments and I have a hard time finding it here to reply directly, but just wanted to let you know!


    You’re not the first one to mention I don’t have an email linked to my comments. I thought my email is open and don’t even know how to add it in if it doesn’t show up. You could always give me a shout on my blog comment section so I can email you. And also, since Twitter is so convenient, you can click on my sidebar to follow me on Twitter, then we can have another channel of communication.

    I’ve watched all the Best Picture nominees this year and found them all good. So in a way, it’s hard to judge who should win Best Supporting Actor. I have a feeling that voters may not want to give a landslide win to TKS, since it’s a British film. However, I must say Christian Bale (even though he’s a Brit too!) has done a great job in The Fighter… and also, GR has an Oscar already, so maybe it’s ‘fair’ to give the chance to another one.


  10. Thanks for the round-up! I didn’t watch any of the show (being without a TV!), and I can’t say I missed it. But I did watch the clip of Colin Firth’s speech, and it was quite good. Of course! 🙂


    I’d say, you didn’t miss much until the last 10 minutes… Best Actor and Best Picture.

    I’ve been thinking about some of you who live without a TV, time must be much more productive in your home. But of course, nowadays, the computer and social media are quickly taking over the function of TV, and that could be extremely time-consuming. Love your tweets, BTW. 😉



  11. Great quote choices. I was only asking my son today if he’d heard Tom Cooper’s speech! And Firth was fantastic – I also loved the bit about his urge to dance! He has such a cheeky face. Not many people can pull off being debonair and cheeky at the same time, but he can. Seidler was wonderful too about late bloomers. These people truly were highlights.

    I didn’t mind Franco but he was rather deadpan…and I thought Anne H did a valiant job. It’s not as though they wrote their words after all is it?

    Anyhow, thanks for your perspective. The awards are a bit of an ordeal to get through … but with my laptop on my lap for the duration they were manageable.


    Later CF mentioned that he was struggling with nerves, who could blame him. Love to see his post-Oscars appearances… all relaxed and exuberant. If you love quotes, Tom Hooper’s mother had some memorable ones… see my next post. 😉



  12. Missed most of the show, but did get to see Natalie Portman (the CS raved about Black Swan), Mr. Hooper and the divine Mr. Firth. Wit, talent, and humility–not to mention the swoon-inspiring looks. Ahhh.
    Am sorry I missed Mr. Seidler’s speech; he is definitely an inspiration.
    And Oh’s suggestions for future hosts rock!


    You Must See David Seidler’s very inspiring Oscar Acceptance Speech. Here’s the link:



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