Saturday Snapshots July 28: Paris Montage

The Brasserie Balzar
Near the Sorbonne, Sarte and Camus’s frequent hangout where they dined and debated. Insert shot of Menu: Breakfast for 6 Euros includes a croissant, tartine, confiture, hot drink, orange juice.

A View of the Tower
Size is relative. 

The Paris Apple Store
Probably the most elegant of all the Apple branches.

The Paris Collage
As you can see, I got a bit carried away playing with the features in the photo editing site Picmonkey.

Again, Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce of At Home with Books, Paris in July at Bookbath and Thyme for Tea.

Thanks to Zara Alexis for pointing me to for making these collages and watermarks.


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If she’s not birding by the Pond, Arti’s likely watching a movie, reading, or writing a review. Creator of Ripple Effects, bylines in Asian American Press, Vague Visages, Curator Magazine.

39 thoughts on “Saturday Snapshots July 28: Paris Montage”

  1. Oh man. I love Paris. I was there last year and had lunch right there on the sidewalk at Brasserie Balzac. How cool that you have a picture of it!


    1. How cool that you were there just last year. I was there in 2010. One of these days, we should all go on a real tour of Paris together. 😉


  2. I love Picmonkey! I have just been doing phone pictures the last few Snapshots, but I like to play with that site with my camera pictures.

    Great view of Paris!


    1. Kailana,

      This is my first time using Picmonkey and as you can see, I haven’t tried all that it offers. Will play with them when I’ve time. Can really use up a lot of time. Glad you find it great too.


    1. You can always go there since you’re almost neighbors. But for me it’s a long trip. I’m sure I’ll be back there again some time. THere are still so many places I’d like to see.


  3. I think almost everyone has been to Paris except me! I’m living vicariously through ‘Paris in July’ until I get a chance to visit for myself.


    1. Leslie,

      That’s a good way to see it. Glad you can join us on the virtual tour. And, I’m sure you’ll have the chance to visit Paris in real time. 😉


      1. I’ve BEEN to Paris and I still live vicariously through “Paris in July” and Arti’s great pictures. Even my book selections are travel narratives, art and history books of Paris. Thanks Arti.


    1. JoAnn,

      I’ve been looking for something to do collages and put my watermark on my photos for a long while. Glad I don’t have to download a software program to do this. Do try it out when you have time.


    1. I think you’ll just love that place, the Paris Apple Store. An interesting photo stop. And yes, Pickmonkey is just wonderful. Glad I’ve finally found it, no need to download softwares or register.


  4. I really enjoyed your photos! I have never been to Paris but I really want to visit some day. BTW… Picmonkey is awesome! I get carried away with all of the features too.


  5. Arti, this is the post I was looking for — I remember seeing the e-alert and it wasn’t a time I could visit! I like picmonkey and you remind me it’s time for me to play with it a little bit more. Such wonderful images! Somehow, Parisians make even an Apple store look amazing!


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